What is JavaScript?
Well, JavaScript is a Proto-Type based Object Oriented Scripting Language. This script was developed by Brendan Eich a computer programmer born in 1961 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is a chief technology officer in Mozilla Corporation now. When he was working at Netscape Communications Corporation in April 1995, then he developed a new script with new name JavaScript (Originally known as Mocha and LiveScript) for the Netscape Navigator Web Browser. Finally JavaScript becomes a implementation of ECMAScript Language standard and is useful in using as a form of client side scripting to enhance user interfaces and building up a great dynamic site.
How JavaScript Works?
JavaScript is a dynamic, loosely typed script and has First Class Functions functionality in it. Or in other words it is also being considered as a functional programming like Scheme as it has closures and high ordered functions. First Class Functions scripts support function passing as argument to other functions, returning them as a value of other functions, and storing them as a data structure.
JavaScript is a client side script can work within the web page or can work outside of the projects as application designing, examples pdf documents, site specific browsers, and many desktop widgets etc. One can create from basic website interactivity to highly user engaging applications including widgets, form validations, theme changer, counters, dynamic css manipulation, offline data storages in cookies etc.
JavaScript and Java are they same?
No, both are different expect first few letters in their name. Actually, JavaScript uses syntax influenced by of C and uses many names and naming conventions from Java. But JavaScript’s design structure is influenced by Self and Scheme programming languages. All the key features and points are taken from these programming but naming , naming conventions, and method of syntax writing is mainly influenced by contemporary languages as Java and C.
How it is connected with HTML DOM
JavaScript’s one of the great features is that, it supports all DOM structures of HTML and XML. When you open a webpage in any of the browser it get indexed in a structure to read about the page by that browser. You can also see how a browser sees a page just installing DOM Inspector plug-in in your Fire Fox browser. I mean to say, you can do all the manipulation in the existing webpage by using JavaScript if you know that structure order. And that structure is called DOM- Document Object Model. So, start learning JavaScript from any of the web source or find out any institute nearby you. You would be able to create stunning text or image effects, widgets, themes in seconds.
JavaScript and DHTML for web page designing
Have you ever thought about those restrictions on the forms pages, very intuitive slide shows, light-boxes, count-down timers, user alerts on the websites. All are made of JavaScript. Create dynamic forms, dynamic lists, give a highly engaging experience to your site’s visitors today.
Syntax writing and linking of JavaScript in html
If you are familiar with any Object Oriented Programming than JavaScript is not a herculean task to you. But you are not a programming guy, don’t worry JavaScript is very easy learn to you also. I am giving some examples down, please read carefully:
You can write your JavaScript in Head or Body sections of the page. And you also add any of the JavaScript file externally. Here I am going to introduce you first, how to write it in head or body part of the site.
Alert(�Your Welcome!�);
— >
External JavaScript Method:
You can also add html comments so that a browser that doesn’t support JavaScript or support is disabled can ignore these lines from execution or add tag to send message to the visitor.
Here, one can read about the topics like What is JavaScript, How JavaScript Works, JavaScript or Java, HTML DOM and JavaScript, DHTML Uses, and Syntax writing etc.