Php Mysql Development In A Nut Shell

What is PHP
PHP stands for Hypertext preprocessor. It is server side language especially designed for web development. It can be embedded easily within HTML page. PHP code is executed each time you visit the HTML page and it is interpreted at the web server, which in return generate HTML or other output that users can see. In oct-2002, more than nine million domains were using PHP worldwide. In recent survey it is found more than 40% websites uses PHP. The current major version of PHP is 5.4.0 which is loaded with lots of features.

PHP’s Strength
PHP is very efficient. Using single inexpensive server, you can serve millions of hits per day.

Database integration
PHP has native connections available to many databases. In addition to MySQL you can directly connect to PostgreSQL, mSQL, Oracle, dbm, filePro, Hyperwave, Informix, Interbase, and Sybase database. Using ODBC, you can connect to any database that provides an ODBC driver. This includes proprietary products too.

Built-in libraries
Basically PHP is designed for the use on the web therefore it has built-in libraries and you can perform many functions with a line of code like you can generate GIF images on-the-fly, connect to other network services, send e-mail, work with cookies and generate PDF documents.

PHP is free because it is opensource.

PHP is cross platform compatible. You can do PHP coding on Linux based operating system as well as all versions of Windows.

What is MySQL
MySQL (pronounce as My Ess-Que-Ell) is a very fast and robust relational database management system. A database enables you to store, search, sort and retrieve data. MySQL server controls access to your data to assure that multiple users can work with it concurrently, to provide fast access to it, and ensure that only authorized users can obtain access. This way MySQL is a multi-user, multi-threaded server. It uses standard database query languages- SQL (structured query language). MySQL is available as a opensource but on request you can get commercial license, which are paid and has negligible amount.

Performance of MySQL is fast. You can access your data with the fastest speed. Like PHP it is opensource so it is free. MySQL is portable so you can use with any operating system. Its source code is available so you can modify it according to your requirements. Conclusively, all PHP and MySQL strength are same so you can use PHP and MySQL with any operating system and on any server this saves your hardware expenditure a lot and reduce your development expenditure considerably so you can with stand in any competition.

PHP is a mature language. Being an opensource it is free to use and only cost the development charges. Same is true for MySQL so they are used in combination frequently. Here is a review of both in a brief manner so you better understand them.

PHP stands for Hypertext preprocessor. It is server side language especially designed for web development. It can be embedded easily within HTML page. PHP code is executed each time you visit the HTML page and it is interpreted at the web server, which in return generate HTML or other output that users can see. In oct-2002, more than nine million domains were using PHP worldwide. In recent survey it is found more than 40% websites uses PHP. The current major version of PHP is 5.4.0 which is loaded with lots of features.

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