Mime Types Application/x-javascript And Text/javascript

MIME Types application/x-javascript
This MIME type application/x-javascript is used to denote the javascript language scripting with HTML and this falls within the application category.
The traditional MIME type for JavaScript programs is �”text/javascript”. Another type that has been used is �”application/x-javascript” (the “x” prefix indicates that it is an �experimental, nonstandard type and is not yet registered).
RFC 4329 standardized the �”text/javascript” type because it is in common use. However, because �Javascript programs are not really text documents, it marks this type �as obsolete and recommends “application/javascript” (without the “x-“) instead. In the present scenario “application/javascript” is not �well supported which might be the reason why �”application/x-javascript” is used by a lot of web pages. “application/javascript” is still to be authorized and researched.
Javascript is of mainly of two types, the client and server side. User does not use the server side. But a client-side script is a program that may accompany an HTML document or be embedded directly in it to run websites. The program or code executes on the client’s machine when the document loads, or at some other time such as when a link is activated. This generally happens when you open a website and play around on it.
MIME Types text/javascript
Web browsers to help display the elements of a web page, which is run by the javascript coding, use this MIME Type text/javascript. This MIME type falls within the category �text’. Any human readable text or source code falls within this category.
Javascript is a language used for scripting programs to enable programmatic access to objects within the other applications. It is an addition on to HTML, unlike java, which was a standalone language. There are two types of javascript, the client side javascript and the server side javascript. The server side has no a miniscule roles to play in case of MIME’s.
Javascript is primarily used in the form of client side javascript for the development of dynamic websites. A client-side script is a program that may accompany an HTML document or be embedded directly in it to run websites. The program executes on the client’s machine when the document loads, or at some other time such as when a link is activated (i.e when you open a website). HTML’s support for scripts is independent of the scripting language. These scripts offer authors a means to extend HTML documents in highly active and interactive ways via a website.

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