Features Of Javascript

In the community of web developers and surfers, JavaScript is highly popular as client side scripting language for web browsers. In any web application, JavaScript can be used to implement simple features like rollover images as well as to make asynchronous requests to server using Ajax. When flash was not very popular JavaScript was used to add beautiful effects to web pages and is still being used for that purpose. Some of the main features of JavaScript will include:

JavaScript having a Browser support. To access flash content you need to install flash plug-in in your browser. But to use JavaScript, you don’t have to use any plug-ins at all. This is because all browsers have accepted all browsers have accepted JavaScript as a scripting language for them and provides integrated support for it. All you need to do is to handle some of the tasks that are dependent on DOM of different browser properly.

Another feature is that it can be used on client side as well as server side. A JavaScript has access to Document object model of browser; you actually change the structure of the web pages at run time. Due to his JavaScript can be used to add effects on WebPages. On the other hand, JavaScript could be used on the server side as well. Similarly in JavaScript, function could be assigned to variables just like any other data type. Not only that, but a function can accept another function as a parameter and can also return a function. You can have functions with no names as well.

To add onto that JavaScript is an object oriented language. However the way JavaScript handles objects and inheritance is a bit different from conventional object oriented programming languages like Java. Due to this reason JavaScript supports most of the object oriented concepts while being simple to learn and use.

Similarly in JavaScript you can create anonymous self executing functions. This is a function that has no name and is executed immediately. It can be used to induce a block scope and can be useful when dealing with closures within loops.

Likewise JavaScript also contains a user validation system. That is when calculating or inputting data, an invalid entry will be barred by an error sign popping up. Similarly client side JavaScript is embedded inside HTML and used along DOM for control over the browser by means of objects with the newer version of JavaScript having built in generators and iterators.

Another feature of JavaScript to be noted is that it is case sensitive. Any reference to a function or an object in a JavaScript must match the case used to define the function. Similarly single line comments should always start with a double slash. To include comments in a JavaScript you can place the lines anywhere within a line. Typically, slashes are placed as first characters on a line. The JavaScript interpreter ignores them and any text after the slashes until it reaches the end of the line.

Those are the features that enable JavaScript to handle simple and complex tasks as well. Due to this JavaScript has remained as the most popular programming language for a long time.

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