Asynchronous Javascript And Xml � Technology To Increase Website Interactivity!

AJAX is known as Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Ajax is a type of web development method popularized by Google. Developed with the sole aim of making web development easy and simple, Ajax is a new means to create user friendly web applications. The main advantage of using Ajax technology is to generate quick responses and increase interactivity with the end users. Ajax is mainly based on JavaScript and HTTP requests. With this new technology, your JavaScript can communicate directly with the server, using JavaScript XML Http Request object. This technology uses asynchronous data transfer between the browser and the web server, which allows the web pages only to request little information from the server instead of retrieving whole pages.

Ajax technology is mainly based on web standards including JavaScript, XML, HTML, and CSS. The main feature of Ajax is that, all the web standards used in this technology are well defined and equally supported by all the major browsers. With the help of Ajax, Internet applications can be made richer and more user-friendly. Ajax has several advantages. It helps programmers to separate the methods and formats used in different aspects of information given through the means of web. Ajax based website has also become a major advantage on many sites such as DIGG, MySpace and many other websites. Ajax also has some negative side effects which mainly include browser integration, search engine optimization, and reliance on JavaScript.

Ajax is also called as a free framework for fast creation of interactive cross-platform web experiences. Based on server side architecture, Ajax supports interaction model. Intermediate application layer is an Ajax engine, which is added in between the user and server and which allows asynchronous user’s interaction with application. This approach has many benefits. The main features of Ajax include real-time form validation with server-side validation of codes. Ajax is quite complicated and hence it is not easy to learn Ajax. There are millions of tutorials on the web on Ajax. Some tutorials are very informative and resourceful. Most of them are written by people who have little experience and are just looking for some more traffic to their sites. Hence, you have to be very careful in choosing your tutorials.

If you want to use an Ajax application in your website, it is very important to take into consideration network latency. Network latency is the interval between the user’s request and the server’s response. If the user is unaware of Ajax properties, then it may result in assuming there is something wrong with that page. With the help of Ajax, you need not wait for your server to reload the page according to your requests. Ajax allows the page to process your request and make all the small changes accordingly without reloading an entire page. Professional Ajax Programmers use this language for several reasons. The main reason for using Ajax is to enhance the user experience, and to make web pages to behave like stand-alone applications. Ajax enabled pages load faster because they generate HTML within the browser.

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