Ajax Tutorial – Loads Of Information Available Online

The World Wide Web can educate you, making you aware of the latest technologies evolving day by day. IT professionals are now well informed with knowledge at par that provides them with better paying jobs leading to a bright future and acclaim in the IT industry.

It’s often a difficult scenario on the part of an I.T aspirant to get into a thorough analysis of the particular subject matter but since the advent of internet as a valuable source of information, there have been the emergence of tutorials that are available online related to Ajax. The first and foremost tutorial defines Ajax that stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is the use of the nonstandard XMLHttpRequest object to communicate with server-side scripts. It can send as well as receive information in a variety of formats, including XML, HTML, and even text files. The tutorial provides with Ajax’s most appealing characteristic, of having an �asynchronous� nature, which means it can do all of this without having to refresh the page.

The Ajax tutorial gives an introduction to ECMAScript for XML (E4X), a simple extension to JavaScript that makes XML scripting very simple. The tutorial has related information on how to make asynchronous requests with JavaScript and Ajax, informative material on Ajax – Try/Catch Blocks of Code, sending requests with XMLHttpRequest to allow user to make requests and receive responses, adding AJAX to a website, Form validation with AJAX/PHP/MySQL, Callbacks and Ajax where user sets the onreadystatechange property of the XMLHttpRequest object to the name of the function to run. Then, when the server has processed the request, it will automatically call that function, to build Ajax-enabled applications using Dojo and JSON, the two very different but complementary technologies that can significantly enhance the interface and usability of web applications and more reference tutorials.

There are mini-tutorials on the black art of iframes and browser history, known to AJAX experts but rarely presented clearly, mini-tutorial on saving state across page loads on the client side, without using cookies so as to save large amounts of data beyond cookies size limits, valuable and effective resource on Easy Ajax with jQuery, Top Ajax Poller Scripts, fast introduction to the basics of Ajax for people that already know how to write the server-side part of the process using servlets and JSP, AJAX username availability checking that allows a user who is registering for your site to see if the username they want to use is taken already or not, without having to submit a form and reload the page, RadAjaxPanel that exposes a rich set of client-side events which allow for easy and flexible use in a wide range of application scenarios and tutorial that explains on how to work with the XML Response or “The X-Files” and more in line in order to enhance and learn new aspects in Ajax. Online education therefore is the most reliable and active source for gaining knowledge for I.T. aspirants through, Asp, Java and Ajax tutorial and the internet is a vast knowledge based environment making things a little more easy with downloadable and accessible information relevant to AJAX.

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